Membership 2011
Anyone joining Big Foot after 1st October 2010 will receive membership for the following year (i.e. 14 months for the price of 12 months).
You may
download the Membership Form from here (pdf), and here (Word), complete it and email it to the address on the form with your payment details (see below). More details available at the OANSW membership page - here.
Membership Types
Juniors are under 21 as at 31 December 2011 (ie born in 1991 or later).
Seniors are over 21 as at 31 December 2011 (ie born before 1991).
Families consist of up to 2 seniors domiciled at the same address and any juniors who look to one of the seniors as a parent.
Associates are local members with no interest in State league and National Events and with reduced entitlements (note that the restriction on the composition of an associate family is the same as above).
Family, Senior and Junior memberships
cover full OANSW membership, a subscription to the national magazine "The
Australian Orienteer", OANSW newsletters and event programs and
qualification for entry to State and National Championships.
Associate membership includes OANSW
newsletters and event programs but not "The Australian Orienteer" or
qualification for entry to State and National Championships.
Junior $34 ,Family $54, Senior $49, Associate $29
Payment by direct
deposit to the Orienteering Association of NSW (OANSW) is preferred.
Please make direct deposit to the account details below.
BSB 012-294 Account Number 227701709
IMPORTANT: To identify payments, the Direct Deposit Reference must be “MSHIP” followed by the Initial and Surname of the Primary Contact.
(Eg. Paul Rodgers = “MSHIP PRODGERS”)
If you are unable to pay by direct deposit Cheques can be made payable to: “Orienteering Association of NSW” and posted along with the membership form to the PO Box on the form.